Health Treatment

Benefits of Hypnosis for Diabetes

Would you consider hypnosis in managing your diabetes?

Diabetes occurs when the body can’t regulate blood sugar very well, which causes an elevated level of sugar in the blood.

STRESS often leads to a rise in blood sugar to help improve energy, but in diabetes, the sugar cannot be used well.

HYPNOSIS can be beneficial in calming a person down, which helps in decreasing blood sugar levels! Hypnosis can also be used to promote more constructive ways to manage those stressful situations and promote a healthy life style that will in turn improve the control of blood sugars. Promoting a more healthy lifestyle may include maintaining a healthy diet, increasing your exercise and getting restorative sleep!

Do you have a fear of needles?

Hypnosis by also be beneficial in helping you being more comfortable with the use of needles or lancets.

It would be my pleasure in helping you discover how hypnosis may benefit you in the management of diabetes.

Stress Management- opportunity for you!

Feel your body relax, letting go of tension.

Free your mind of unwanted thoughts and concerns.

Reduce your blood pressure while improving digestion.

Access healthy coping mechanisms easily.

Some stress in life is normal and is something that everyone experiences from time to time. However, chronic stress can negatively affect your quality of life.  Stress may feel overwhelming and may be damaging to your mind and body.

Chronic, unmanaged stress can lead to increased blood pressure, heart disease, anxiety and depression, sleep issues, digestive challenges, sexual side effects, and may also exacerbate existing conditions.

Feel relaxed, safe and at ease!

Hypnosis invites a state of deep relaxation. It is the physiological opposite of stress. Through hypnosis your subconscious mind is more active and accessible. Through relaxation imagery, positive hypnotic suggestions, accessing helpful emotional states and other wonderful methods, you can change unwanted habits, beliefs or behaviors to better manage stress.

If you are ready to positively change your experience from the comfort of your own home or my office, using a natural approach that does not rely on pharmaceutical treatments or unpleasant side effects, give me a call to set up an introductory stress management session.

What does a stress management session include?

Through this offer you will receive:

  • 1 hypnosis session - from the comfort of your own home online or in my Kelowna office

  • 2 audios for home use to further relieve stress and reinforce that wonderful relaxed, at ease state for your continued benefit.

  • Investment for 1 person: $105 plus GST

  • Investment for group of 2-3 people: $140 plus GST (total)

So, ready to experience positive change? Call me today to set up your session!

Ready to feel relaxed and calm?

How would you like to:

  • Feel comfortable while at public events

  • Feel relaxed at work

  • Easily bring in a sense of comfortable anytime those anxious unwanted feelings or thoughts come in

  • Feel calm and focused while learning at school

Ready to explore how hypnotherapy may be of benefit to you for managing those anxious thoughts or feelings?

Using my integrated approach you will feel empowered as you:

  • learn and use easy techniques to neutralize unwanted thoughts or feelings;

  • explore hypnosis finding internal resources you can use moving forward, and

  • take home an audio specifically made for your continued healing and wellness!

If you are ready to feel more comfortable and relaxed call or email me today and let’s look at a plan of action towards your success.

I am currently seeing clients in my Kelowna based office and always offer sessions online and over the phone for those living outside of the Okanagan.

Ancestral Healing

An Alternative Healing Therapy

Ancestral Healing: What do I Carry and for Whom Do I carry it?

Have you ever felt like a part of your soul has been fragmented by trauma that originated with your ancestors? Could this entanglement be holding you back from healing or releasing unhelpful emotions or outdated beliefs?

Sometimes we need to go beyond healing the individual and heal our ancestors or a collective community.

We are all interconnected and we may go beyond the ‘me’ consciousness to achieve a greater sense of wholeness. Ancestral healing gives us one way to do just that. It doesn’t matter if an ancestor is alive or dead, their soul and remaining consciousness continue to carry their experiences from the past. It is these past experiences that may have great influence on an individual and society.

Ancestral healing is on a spiritual, non-physical inheritance that has travelled with and been carried by the soul.

Consider, if you will, your own ancestral past. Ask yourself a question, “What do I carry and for whom do I carry it?” You may find clues to the origin of residual helplessness, guilt, anger, low self-regard, depression, shame or perhaps anxiety you are feeling.

And these feelings may have come from your childhood- perhaps from an abusive or neglectful parent, a past loss or some other trauma. But residual shame or guilt may also be derived from a grandparent who lost their child, or a great grandfather who was killed in a war. You may not be conscious of these events that initiated those unwanted thoughts or emotions but it doesn’t diminish the power they may hold on you.

Through ancestral healing you may come to understand something that is much larger than your own life, you empower yourself and take responsibility for your own actions. You also come to understand that your relatives and ancestors did the best they could at that time. They would have acted differently had they known what we understand now and as a result forgiveness often comes more easily. The real lesson behind the story of life is that our soul continues to learn and grow.

Imagine, using hypnotherapy, you further understand where those unwanted patterns or old beliefs are coming from. You are guided to return those outdated beliefs to their rightful owner- who in turn can give them back to where they got them from. During this process you bring healing to yourself, those ancestors of the past and prevent any future generations from carrying those outdated beliefs and patterns.

Living in the Okanagan?

If you live in the Okanagan and would like to experience this natural, alternative in healing you can have a session in-person in my Kelowna office. Or, if you live elsewhere in British Columbia, you may consider having a session online and experience healing from the comfort of your own home.

Curious is hypnotherapy is right for you? Contact me today to find out more!

Overcome Your Fear of Needles

Did you know a needle phobia can be treated simply and painlessly and effectively, usually with one or two sessions of hypnotherapy using my integrated approach?


A fear of needles produces a conditional response which may present as heightened anxiety in certain given situations. This fear is usually associated with an unpleasant past experience or event. At the time the fear may have served a purpose but now it may be hindering you from moving forward with a medical or cosmetic procedure.

I use an integrated approach including hypnosis and neuroscience to help people with a wide variety of fears or phobias. To find out if hypnotherapy may be right for you reach out and lets talk online in a complimentary consult right now. Discover how you can overcome this fear, from the comfort of your own home, or in the comfort of my office space!

Yours in healing and personal growth,

Book your session with Kristine and see how easy it is to move past your fears and on to whatever you choose!

Physical pain manifesting in the body

Did you know that emotional stress may manifest as physical pain?

Emotional stress may manifest as pain in many different ways. A person may have a reoccurring headache or a pain in their leg, arm or back that doesn’t seem to heal or go away.

Over the years I have helped clients who were experiencing pain that the medical community could find no basis for. These clients, over time, had run out of medical options for finding relief from their physical discomfort. At some point they seek out alternative therapies in hopes of finding comfort. That is often when I see the person and unfortunately this usually occurs years after enduring physical pain!

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One of the first things I am curious about are the events that happened in the person’s life when the pain first appeared. This can be very revealing! As part of the initial session we determine the best hypnotherapy path to explore and proceed. While there are many therapy options I have provided a couple of examples below.

Hypnosis is useful in accessing resourceful memories to rediscover a time when a person felt healthy- physically, mentally and emotionally.

That wonderful feeling of health can be anchored, like a magic button, so it can easily be accessed whenever desired. The result? That feeling of health is brought through the body and mind easily. This often provides relief .

There may be trapped emotions and self-limiting beliefs beneath the physical pain.

Hypnosis can be used to access the underlying emotion, which can be followed back in time to when it first occurred. It is so interesting to discover the source of the discomfort! For example, sometimes people hold on to discomfort to punish themselves; they may hold onto the pain for attention; or perhaps a person of authority told them they would never fully heal. Whatever the reason, once a person becomes consciously aware of the reason, it can be a game changer. That is when so much shifting and releasing takes place. Pain may be released immediately or may be released over a number of days or weeks.

I am always amazed at the healing that can take place!


If you are interesting in learning more contact Kristine for a complimentary 15 minute chat to explore how hypnotherapy may benefit you.

Stay tuned as I will discuss options for managing chronic pain in a future chapter.

A moment of reflection

I have been a little bit quiet on here lately as I have been busy working with my clients and building tools and materials to help future clients.

After working with a person I do my best to follow up and see how things have changed. Or, out of the blue I will hear from a client with an update on their progress. There are times when I get goosebumps as I read these emails and I can’t help but smile as I hear how that person is progressing- shifting, and healing as they move forward. This is what keeps me going! This is one of the many things that motivates me to continue to do what I do.

Especially now, it is so important to take care of your mental health. Doing so is not a weakness. Taking care of your mental health is no different than taking care of your physical health.

If you are noticing a few things going on in your life such as poor sleep, feeling frustrated or anxious, getting irritable or feeling overwhelmed isn’t it time to take some action? Why wait for it to get worse?

Who doesn’t want to feel good, capable and confident moving forward?

If you are ready I offer sessions Tuesday - Saturday and continue to offer evening sessions for those who can’t come to see me during the day. Contact me directly to book a session and change the ways things are showing up in your life.


Self-sabotaging your success?

What is blocking you from reaching your full potential?

Often, you don’t have to look much further than the reflection in the mirror.

Mental blocks can affect a person’s life mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, and in many other ways.

Perhaps you are making unhealthy life choices or limiting your success at work or school?

We may form mental blocks and self-limiting beliefs through our environment, the people we are around, as a result of a traumatic event, and even social media.

Using hypnosis we can tap into discovering what those mental blocks or limiting beliefs are and where they are coming from! You can then remove those blocks and update those old beliefs and start manifesting the outcomes you desire!

Plus, we can build your confidence by moving you forward in time- seeing yourself achieving those outcomes you desire and experiencing success!

Dealing with Times of Uncertainty


While watching the news unfold surrounding this coronavirus pandemic you may feel like the entire situation is out of your control. While the science world is preparing a vaccine what can you do? How might you respond in a way that will benefit you?

When it comes to how you respond to this virus or perhaps other situations in which you may find yourself- for example– a situation where your body is battling or recovering from a disease, or maybe your body has inflammation that is causing your physical pain. In any of these situations there are many things you can do- that are in your control. And one of these is having a lifestyle strategy..

Whether it be a virus, disease or physical pain- consider your lifestyle strategy.

Your personal care routine!

How are you managing your stress?

Stress can be managed in many ways- through breathing techniques, physical exercise, meditation and hypnosis to mention a few!

How are you sleeping? And, are you getting enough sleep?

Sleep is an opportunity for your body to heal and your mind to become clear so you can more easily focus!

How are you eating?

Eating nutritionally and even taking supplements, if you believe they are beneficial, is important!

All these things are in your Control!


How about hypnosis? How might it be beneficial for you?

Hypnosis may provide you with an option for well-being.

Consider a session where you get comfortable and I lead you into a relaxing trance… you become more aware of your breath, taking slow deep breaths- really resetting your nervous system (if you may be feeling anxious),  next progressive relaxation helps with relaxing and releasing any stress or tension you may be holding in your muscles. I may then use suggestion to direct healing and restorative energy into any areas in your body that are of concern, perhaps visualizing strengthening your immune system or healing a particular area, and let’s not forget sleep as I include some suggestions for a wonderful slumber. Or perhaps, I guide you back to a time when you felt a certain way- for example, a time when you felt confident, healthy and well, on top of the world- and we then bring those wonderful feelings forward…

There are so many ways that hypnosis can be explored to help you physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually – just so many ways on so many levels.

A session can also be recorded so you have a resource audio that you can use anytime !

Remember you have options in helping to maintain or restore your health. Perhaps it’s time to take a few minutes for yourself and establish a personal care routine, and you might consider exploring hypnosis for even more positive change.

With hypnosis, there are no negative side effects and no drugs involved. The process is natural as you are using one of your most powerful resources- your mind!

Interested in learning more?

Give Kristine a call or email and see how hypnosis or hypnotherapy may be beneficial for you- physically, mentally or emotionally.

Sessions are offered in office as well as on-line – so you can experience hypnosis from the comfort of your own home, if you wish.
