Benefits of Hypnosis for Diabetes

Would you consider hypnosis in managing your diabetes?

Diabetes occurs when the body can’t regulate blood sugar very well, which causes an elevated level of sugar in the blood.

STRESS often leads to a rise in blood sugar to help improve energy, but in diabetes, the sugar cannot be used well.

HYPNOSIS can be beneficial in calming a person down, which helps in decreasing blood sugar levels! Hypnosis can also be used to promote more constructive ways to manage those stressful situations and promote a healthy life style that will in turn improve the control of blood sugars. Promoting a more healthy lifestyle may include maintaining a healthy diet, increasing your exercise and getting restorative sleep!

Do you have a fear of needles?

Hypnosis by also be beneficial in helping you being more comfortable with the use of needles or lancets.

It would be my pleasure in helping you discover how hypnosis may benefit you in the management of diabetes.