Life Strategies

Embracing Your Authentic Self: How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Live Authentically

In a world filled with societal pressures, expectations, and constant comparisons, embracing your authentic self can feel like a daunting task. Many of us find ourselves conforming to external standards, suppressing our true desires, and hiding parts of who we really are. However, living authentically is essential for genuine happiness and fulfillment. Hypnotherapy offers a powerful and transformative approach to help you uncover and embrace your authentic self. Here's how it works:


Accessing the Subconscious Mind

 Our subconscious mind holds the key to our deepest beliefs, memories, and patterns that shape our behavior and self-perception. Hypnotherapy allows us to access this hidden part of the mind, revealing aspects of ourselves that might be suppressed or overlooked. Through guided relaxation and focused attention, hypnotherapy helps uncover our true desires, values, and identity.


Removing Limiting Beliefs

 Many of us are plagued by limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that prevent us from embracing our authentic selves. These beliefs often stem from past experiences, societal conditioning, or self-imposed limitations. Hypnotherapy helps identify and reprogram these limiting beliefs, replacing them with positive affirmations and empowering thoughts. This shift in mindset allows us to see ourselves in a new light, free from the constraints of negative thinking.


Healing Past Traumas

 Unresolved trauma can act as a barrier to authenticity. Traumatic experiences can lead to coping mechanisms that do not reflect our true nature, causing us to hide or suppress parts of ourselves. Hypnotherapy provides a safe space to process and heal past traumas, enabling us to release emotional baggage and embrace our authentic selves without fear or reservation.


Enhancing Self-Awareness

 Self-awareness is a crucial component of authenticity. Hypnotherapy promotes introspection and reflection, helping us recognize our genuine feelings, motivations, and preferences. This heightened self-awareness fosters a stronger sense of self and allows us to make choices that align with our true identity.


Promoting Self-Acceptance

 Embracing your authentic self requires self-acceptance. Hypnotherapy encourages deep relaxation and introspection, guiding us to accept all aspects of ourselves, including perceived flaws and weaknesses. This journey towards self-acceptance leads to a more authentic and integrated self, where we can appreciate and love ourselves fully.


Encouraging Positive Change

 Living authentically often involves making significant changes in our lives. Whether it's pursuing a passion, changing careers, or altering relationships, hypnotherapy can inspire and motivate us to take actions that reflect our true selves. By tapping into our subconscious mind, hypnotherapy empowers us to make positive changes that align with our authentic identity.


Building Confidence and Self-Esteem

 Confidence in one’s own identity is key to authenticity. Hypnotherapy boosts self-esteem and confidence by reinforcing positive self-perceptions and diminishing self-doubt. As we become more confident in who we are, we can present our true selves to the world unapologetically.


Start Your Journey Towards Authenticity with Hypnotherapy

 Embracing your authentic self is a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation. Hypnotherapy offers a unique and powerful approach to uncovering and embracing your true identity. By accessing the subconscious mind, removing limiting beliefs, healing past traumas, enhancing self-awareness, promoting self-acceptance, encouraging positive change, and building confidence, hypnotherapy paves the way for you to live a more authentic and fulfilling life.


Kristine, a certified clinical hypnotherapist, is dedicated to helping you on this journey. With her integrated approach that includes hypnosis, NLP, and neuroplasticity, Kristine provides the support and guidance you need to discover and embrace your authentic self.


Ready to take the first step towards a healthier, happier, and more authentic you? Learn about Kristine’s hypnotherapy services and book your complimentary phone consultation today. Embrace your true self and start living the life you were meant to lead.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Setting Healthy Boundaries

In the intricate dance of life, setting healthy boundaries emerges as a cornerstone of personal empowerment and well-being. It's not merely about saying "no" to what doesn't serve you; it's about honoring your needs, values, and limits while fostering authentic connections and self-respect. Here, we look into the significance of setting healthy boundaries and how hypnotherapy can be a potent ally in this transformative journey.

 Understanding Boundaries

Boundaries delineate the space between ourselves and others, defining where we end and they begin. They encompass physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual domains, guiding our interactions and relationships. Healthy boundaries act as protective shields, safeguarding our integrity and preserving our autonomy.


Why Boundaries Matter

Self-Preservation: Boundaries shield us from harm, preventing others from infringing upon our rights, feelings, and values. They foster a sense of safety and security, nurturing our emotional well-being.

 Relationship Dynamics: Boundaries foster healthy relationships by establishing mutual respect, trust, and understanding. They clarify expectations, roles, and responsibilities, reducing conflicts and fostering harmony.

 Self-Identity: Boundaries reinforce our sense of self, affirming our worth, values, and priorities. They empower us to assert our needs and desires authentically, promoting self-respect and self-empowerment.

Energy Management: Boundaries conserve our energy by preventing us from overextending ourselves or succumbing to emotional vampires. They enable us to allocate our time and resources wisely, promoting balance and vitality.

Harnessing the Power of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy offers a unique avenue for strengthening boundaries by accessing the subconscious mind, where deeply ingrained beliefs and behaviors reside. Through guided imagery, visualization, and positive suggestion, hypnotherapy can instill confidence, assertiveness, and self-worth, empowering individuals to set and uphold healthy boundaries with ease.

Here are some examples of Boundaries in Action:

Personal Space: Setting boundaries around personal space ensures that individuals feel comfortable and respected in their physical environment. This could involve asserting limits on physical touch, intrusions into personal belongings, or unsolicited advances.

Emotional Boundaries: Establishing emotional boundaries involves recognizing and honoring one's feelings, needs, and limits. It may entail communicating openly about emotional boundaries in relationships, such as expressing when certain topics or behaviors are off-limits.

Work-Life Balance: Setting boundaries around work-life balance is crucial for maintaining mental and physical well-being. This could involve defining clear boundaries between work and personal time, setting limits on work-related communication outside of office hours, and prioritizing self-care activities.

Social Interactions: Boundaries in social interactions involve asserting one's preferences, interests, and comfort levels. This may include declining invitations or activities that don't align with personal values, setting limits on social engagements to prevent burnout, or asserting boundaries around topics of conversation.

In conclusion, setting healthy boundaries is a transformative act of self-care and self-respect. By harnessing the power of hypnotherapy, individuals can cultivate the confidence and assertiveness needed to establish and maintain boundaries that honor their well-being and authenticity. Remember, boundaries are not barriers; they are bridges to deeper connections, fulfillment, and empowerment in life.

Breaking Free: How Addressing Old Patterns and Beliefs Can Transform Your Life

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a cycle, unable to break free from the same unwanted patterns and beliefs that keep holding you back? You're not alone. Many of us find ourselves trapped in familiar routines, behaviors, and mindsets that limit our potential and prevent us from achieving our goals.

But what if I told you that there's a way to break free from these old patterns and beliefs, liberating yourself to create the life you truly desire?

Old patterns and beliefs often stem from our past experiences, upbringing, and societal conditioning. They may have served a purpose at some point, helping us navigate challenges, or protecting ourselves from harm. However, as we evolve and grow, these patterns can become outdated and restrictive, keeping us confined to our comfort zones and preventing us from reaching our full potential.

The key to breaking free lies in understanding the root cause of these patterns and beliefs. Through hypnotherapy, we can access your amazing subconscious mind, where these deeply ingrained beliefs reside. By exploring the origins of these beliefs and uncovering the underlying emotions and experiences that fuel them, we can begin to unravel their hold on us and release them.

Hypnotherapy offers a safe and effective way to reframe our beliefs and create new, empowering narratives. By challenging negative thought patterns and updating them with your current knowledge and wisdom, we can rewrite the script of our lives and align ourselves with our goals and aspirations.

As we release old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us, we experience a profound sense of liberation and empowerment. We become the architects of our own destiny, capable of creating the life we desire with clarity, confidence, and purpose.

Breaking free from old patterns and beliefs requires courage, commitment, and a willingness to embrace change. The rewards are immeasurable. By freeing ourselves from the shackles of the past, we open ourselves up to new possibilities, opportunities, and experiences that enrich our lives and propel us forward on our journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

So if you find yourself feeling trapped by old patterns and beliefs, know that there is hope. I can help you get to that place where you can help yourself break free from the chains of the past and step into a future filled with unlimited potential and possibilities. Embrace the journey of transformation, and watch as your life unfolds in ways you never thought possible.

Neurons & Anxiety

Neurons that fire together, wire together.

If your brain fires off two neurons, or perhaps two networks of neurons, at the same time then they will begin to become wired together.

For example, when you see or think of the Nike logo, what phrase comes to mind?

“Just do it.”

These two networks, the Nike logo and the phrase “Just do it.”,  get to know each other. Once intertwined they start firing together becoming a single network.

Soon, you may find that one naturally goes with the other!


How might this relate to anxiety?

Consider for a moment a young girl in school.

  • During show and tell she becomes nervous.

  • In high school when presenting to the class she becomes extremely nervous.

  • In her first job, she has to present in a boardroom and becomes so nervous that she begins to have a panic attack.

Through conditioning this woman’s brain has wired two things together- presenting to a group of people and being nervous  to create one mental circuit!

Presenting to group of people =  Feeling nervous

Does this sound familiar?


How can we create positive change?

Fortunately there are many ways to interrupt this conditioning and create new circuits in your brain so that you feel empowered with the ability to move forward feeling more comfortable.

I may teach you simple yet amazing neuroplasticity tools.

We may use hypnosis to anchor in some wonderful resources such as feeling calm or comfortable.

And the more you use these tools and bring in those resource anchors the more neurons and neural networks will be recruited and working for you!



Book a complimentary 20 minute call and let’s discuss how things are showing up for you! I will then offer you some ideas on strategies that you may choose to explore moving forward!

Benefits of Hypnosis for Diabetes

Would you consider hypnosis in managing your diabetes?

Diabetes occurs when the body can’t regulate blood sugar very well, which causes an elevated level of sugar in the blood.

STRESS often leads to a rise in blood sugar to help improve energy, but in diabetes, the sugar cannot be used well.

HYPNOSIS can be beneficial in calming a person down, which helps in decreasing blood sugar levels! Hypnosis can also be used to promote more constructive ways to manage those stressful situations and promote a healthy life style that will in turn improve the control of blood sugars. Promoting a more healthy lifestyle may include maintaining a healthy diet, increasing your exercise and getting restorative sleep!

Do you have a fear of needles?

Hypnosis by also be beneficial in helping you being more comfortable with the use of needles or lancets.

It would be my pleasure in helping you discover how hypnosis may benefit you in the management of diabetes.

Stress Management- opportunity for you!

Feel your body relax, letting go of tension.

Free your mind of unwanted thoughts and concerns.

Reduce your blood pressure while improving digestion.

Access healthy coping mechanisms easily.

Some stress in life is normal and is something that everyone experiences from time to time. However, chronic stress can negatively affect your quality of life.  Stress may feel overwhelming and may be damaging to your mind and body.

Chronic, unmanaged stress can lead to increased blood pressure, heart disease, anxiety and depression, sleep issues, digestive challenges, sexual side effects, and may also exacerbate existing conditions.

Feel relaxed, safe and at ease!

Hypnosis invites a state of deep relaxation. It is the physiological opposite of stress. Through hypnosis your subconscious mind is more active and accessible. Through relaxation imagery, positive hypnotic suggestions, accessing helpful emotional states and other wonderful methods, you can change unwanted habits, beliefs or behaviors to better manage stress.

If you are ready to positively change your experience from the comfort of your own home or my office, using a natural approach that does not rely on pharmaceutical treatments or unpleasant side effects, give me a call to set up an introductory stress management session.

What does a stress management session include?

Through this offer you will receive:

  • 1 hypnosis session - from the comfort of your own home online or in my Kelowna office

  • 2 audios for home use to further relieve stress and reinforce that wonderful relaxed, at ease state for your continued benefit.

  • Investment for 1 person: $105 plus GST

  • Investment for group of 2-3 people: $140 plus GST (total)

So, ready to experience positive change? Call me today to set up your session!

Ready to feel relaxed and calm?

How would you like to:

  • Feel comfortable while at public events

  • Feel relaxed at work

  • Easily bring in a sense of comfortable anytime those anxious unwanted feelings or thoughts come in

  • Feel calm and focused while learning at school

Ready to explore how hypnotherapy may be of benefit to you for managing those anxious thoughts or feelings?

Using my integrated approach you will feel empowered as you:

  • learn and use easy techniques to neutralize unwanted thoughts or feelings;

  • explore hypnosis finding internal resources you can use moving forward, and

  • take home an audio specifically made for your continued healing and wellness!

If you are ready to feel more comfortable and relaxed call or email me today and let’s look at a plan of action towards your success.

I am currently seeing clients in my Kelowna based office and always offer sessions online and over the phone for those living outside of the Okanagan.

A moment of reflection

I have been a little bit quiet on here lately as I have been busy working with my clients and building tools and materials to help future clients.

After working with a person I do my best to follow up and see how things have changed. Or, out of the blue I will hear from a client with an update on their progress. There are times when I get goosebumps as I read these emails and I can’t help but smile as I hear how that person is progressing- shifting, and healing as they move forward. This is what keeps me going! This is one of the many things that motivates me to continue to do what I do.

Especially now, it is so important to take care of your mental health. Doing so is not a weakness. Taking care of your mental health is no different than taking care of your physical health.

If you are noticing a few things going on in your life such as poor sleep, feeling frustrated or anxious, getting irritable or feeling overwhelmed isn’t it time to take some action? Why wait for it to get worse?

Who doesn’t want to feel good, capable and confident moving forward?

If you are ready I offer sessions Tuesday - Saturday and continue to offer evening sessions for those who can’t come to see me during the day. Contact me directly to book a session and change the ways things are showing up in your life.


Self-sabotaging your success?

What is blocking you from reaching your full potential?

Often, you don’t have to look much further than the reflection in the mirror.

Mental blocks can affect a person’s life mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, and in many other ways.

Perhaps you are making unhealthy life choices or limiting your success at work or school?

We may form mental blocks and self-limiting beliefs through our environment, the people we are around, as a result of a traumatic event, and even social media.

Using hypnosis we can tap into discovering what those mental blocks or limiting beliefs are and where they are coming from! You can then remove those blocks and update those old beliefs and start manifesting the outcomes you desire!

Plus, we can build your confidence by moving you forward in time- seeing yourself achieving those outcomes you desire and experiencing success!