We are all interconnected and we may go beyond the ‘me’ consciousness to achieve a greater sense of wholeness. Ancestral healing gives us one way to do just that. It doesn’t matter if an ancestor is alive or dead, their soul and remaining consciousness continue to carry their experiences from the past. It is these past experiences that may have great influence on an individual and society.
Ancestral healing is on a spiritual, non-physical inheritance that has travelled with and been carried by the soul.
Consider, if you will, your own ancestral past. Ask yourself a question, “What do I carry and for whom do I carry it?” You may find clues to the origin of residual helplessness, guilt, anger, low self-regard, depression, shame or perhaps anxiety you are feeling.
And these feelings may have come from your childhood- perhaps from an abusive or neglectful parent, a past loss or some other trauma. But residual shame or guilt may also be derived from a grandparent who lost their child, or a great grandfather who was killed in a war. You may not be conscious of these events that initiated those unwanted thoughts or emotions but it doesn’t diminish the power they may hold on you.
Through ancestral healing you may come to understand something that is much larger than your own life, you empower yourself and take responsibility for your own actions. You also come to understand that your relatives and ancestors did the best they could at that time. They would have acted differently had they known what we understand now and as a result forgiveness often comes more easily. The real lesson behind the story of life is that our soul continues to learn and grow.
Imagine, using hypnotherapy, you further understand where those unwanted patterns or old beliefs are coming from. You are guided to return those outdated beliefs to their rightful owner- who in turn can give them back to where they got them from. During this process you bring healing to yourself, those ancestors of the past and prevent any future generations from carrying those outdated beliefs and patterns.