Life Strategies

Self-sabotaging your success?

What is blocking you from reaching your full potential?

Often, you don’t have to look much further than the reflection in the mirror.

Mental blocks can affect a person’s life mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, and in many other ways.

Perhaps you are making unhealthy life choices or limiting your success at work or school?

We may form mental blocks and self-limiting beliefs through our environment, the people we are around, as a result of a traumatic event, and even social media.

Using hypnosis we can tap into discovering what those mental blocks or limiting beliefs are and where they are coming from! You can then remove those blocks and update those old beliefs and start manifesting the outcomes you desire!

Plus, we can build your confidence by moving you forward in time- seeing yourself achieving those outcomes you desire and experiencing success!

Kindness and compassion

When Thomas Edison was asked about how he felt about his failures, before finally inventing the light bulb, he replied, ‘I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.’

Exploring what works and doesn’t work is part of being human. I believe we are here to learn through experiencing duality and this always includes emotion. For example, how could you truly know what you want if you haven’t also experienced what it is you don’t want?  Along the way mistakes may be made as different paths are explored. Be patient with yourself. Learn from mistakes and move on!

Since few people would claim to be perfect, it seems unnecessary to pretend that we never make mistakes. Greeting mistakes and imperfections with kindness and compassion provides more nurturing conditions for growth. When you feel broken on the inside, give yourself some time to discover what you need to heal. And ask for help or support, if you feel stuck.

If you find you are making the same mistakes over and over again then hypnotherapy may be beneficial as we can use the emotions you are experiencing to determine the origin of the pattern you are wanting to break. Once discovered you may process and move forward in your life positively.

Curious to learn more?

Dealing with Times of Uncertainty


While watching the news unfold surrounding this coronavirus pandemic you may feel like the entire situation is out of your control. While the science world is preparing a vaccine what can you do? How might you respond in a way that will benefit you?

When it comes to how you respond to this virus or perhaps other situations in which you may find yourself- for example– a situation where your body is battling or recovering from a disease, or maybe your body has inflammation that is causing your physical pain. In any of these situations there are many things you can do- that are in your control. And one of these is having a lifestyle strategy..

Whether it be a virus, disease or physical pain- consider your lifestyle strategy.

Your personal care routine!

How are you managing your stress?

Stress can be managed in many ways- through breathing techniques, physical exercise, meditation and hypnosis to mention a few!

How are you sleeping? And, are you getting enough sleep?

Sleep is an opportunity for your body to heal and your mind to become clear so you can more easily focus!

How are you eating?

Eating nutritionally and even taking supplements, if you believe they are beneficial, is important!

All these things are in your Control!


How about hypnosis? How might it be beneficial for you?

Hypnosis may provide you with an option for well-being.

Consider a session where you get comfortable and I lead you into a relaxing trance… you become more aware of your breath, taking slow deep breaths- really resetting your nervous system (if you may be feeling anxious),  next progressive relaxation helps with relaxing and releasing any stress or tension you may be holding in your muscles. I may then use suggestion to direct healing and restorative energy into any areas in your body that are of concern, perhaps visualizing strengthening your immune system or healing a particular area, and let’s not forget sleep as I include some suggestions for a wonderful slumber. Or perhaps, I guide you back to a time when you felt a certain way- for example, a time when you felt confident, healthy and well, on top of the world- and we then bring those wonderful feelings forward…

There are so many ways that hypnosis can be explored to help you physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually – just so many ways on so many levels.

A session can also be recorded so you have a resource audio that you can use anytime !

Remember you have options in helping to maintain or restore your health. Perhaps it’s time to take a few minutes for yourself and establish a personal care routine, and you might consider exploring hypnosis for even more positive change.

With hypnosis, there are no negative side effects and no drugs involved. The process is natural as you are using one of your most powerful resources- your mind!

Interested in learning more?

Give Kristine a call or email and see how hypnosis or hypnotherapy may be beneficial for you- physically, mentally or emotionally.

Sessions are offered in office as well as on-line – so you can experience hypnosis from the comfort of your own home, if you wish.



Sleep is a vital component of your overall health and well-being! Sleep enables your body to repair, be fit and ready for your day ahead.

Restorative healing takes place as you sleep. Sleep regenerates your mental health, reduces inflammation in your body and helps build your immune system!

Do you have trouble with turning off your thoughts at night? Hypnotherapy may be beneficial in helping you sleep more soundly.

A hypnosis audio may also help you sleep this evening! If you are interested in listening to a sleep audio to see how things might change please visit ‘Free Hypnosis Streaming’ on Hypnotherapy by Kristine’s website and try it for yourself. This audio will be available for a limited time.

If you have any questions please contact Kristine today!

Free Yourself!

Stop giving away your power by looking externally to blame and start searching inward for solutions.

Please consider the difference between fault and responsibility.

It really doesn’t matter who’s fault it is that something is broken if it is your responsibility to fix it. So, if your parents, or someone else you were close with exposed you to trauma it is definitely not your fault! But, it is now your responsibility to learn how to move past that trauma and try to do your best to overcome the trauma to build a happy life for yourself.

If you are instead waiting for someone to apologize, to suffer and be punished and made to fix it, please understand that more often than not, that just isn’t how it works. You are holding yourself back by waiting for something to happen. By moving through and overcoming the trauma, pain etc., by building a happier life for yourself you will find liberation, releasing all that no longer serves you so that you can instead invite more positive into your life!

Don’t wait for someone else to fix you. Liberate yourself!

You have the power within within you.

Call, text or email Kristine to see how hypnotherapy may help you through this process.

(306) 270-2262