Do you have self-limiting beliefs that you would like to change?
These limiting beliefs may come about for a variety of different reasons. These beliefs may have you:
Doing something you don’t want
Doing something more often than you want
Doing something less often than you want, or
Not doing something you want!
Self-limiting beliefs may be formed in a variety of different ways. Perhaps consider where your belief may be rooted.
1. Thought + emotion = belief
At some point you may have had a thought that was combined with an emotional “energy” or “force” behind it creating a belief.
2. A belief created from emotionally charged unconscious “one time learning events”
These are often, but not always, created during childhood before the age of seven and are a by-product of emotionally charged moments. These moments may, or may not, include another person. The result is often a child who makes a decision about him/herself or the way the world works.
In some cases, if there is an adult involved when a limiting belief is installed during emotionally charged moments, and that adult is often a parent, teacher or authority figure.
3. A belief virus
At times a new belief may happen as a person is exposed to another person’s thinking process. This may originate from a family member or friend.
For example, someone with a self- limiting belief financially may have heard from a parent while growing up that money doesn’t grow on trees or that you have to work hard for your money.
You can change your self- limiting beliefs by tapping into the power of your subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy provides a wonderful modality to create positive change thereby empowering you to:
Stop doing that thing you don’t want to do
Do that thing less often
Do that thing more often, or
Start doing that thing you want to begin doing!